The Accidental Wife (Emily and Julian)

Chapter 124

I'm trying to act strong, but I don't know if I can keep up the act. I know that what happened is out of Rosie's hands, but I'm only human. I can't act like I'm not bothered by how she cannot remember our relationship. I see the way she looks at me and I try to make her believe that I don't notice it. She makes me think that she's trying to figure out how she managed to fall in love with me. It's been two weeks since her return home. Part of me wants to see her every day, yet I know that she needs her distance. I know that she wants to figure things out on her own without me. That's why I'm giving her space as much as she needs and as much as I can. To say that she was shocked when I told her about how we started dating would be an understatement. She couldn't believe. that she was on board with the whole plan. When I told her about how she said that she fed up with being the good girl and she wanted any kind of adventure in her life, she seemed in disbelief. I kind of understood where she was coming from because the decision to fake-date me was out of her character. When I talked to her about our first date, she seemed to like it. I even offered to redo it if it was going to help her remember and she liked the idea. I want to help her in any way, but I also don't want to intervene with her life. Even if she wants my help from afar, I will do I'm a little worried about how today is going to go. I'm supposed to be taking her to the team house to meet those who can make it to the gathering we're holding especially for her. I asked everyone to keep their distance until I felt like she was ready, but Rosie was the one who asked me if she could meet them.





I ring the doorbell and wait for anybody to open the door for me. It takes less than thirty seconds for the door to open. My mouth automatically turns into a smile when I find Rosie in front of me in a pink floral dress. She is thankfully getting better and all of her bruises have faded. "Hi Silas." She smiles at me.

"Hello Rosie," I say. It's been two weeks since I last kissed her and I've been craving her lips ever since. But I can't kiss her. I can't do it now. She has to be fully comfortable with the kiss. "Are you ready to go?" I ask her.

"Yeah, let's go." I like that she's in a good mood. I don't know how she's going to take being surrounded by a bunch of people she remembers none of, but it's a step that she wants to take, so I'm going to take her hand and let her take every step she wants.

But what I really hate is that Everest is going to be there. I don't want to see him, but I'm not going to take away part of her memories just because I don't like that part. I could never do that to her. "Do I look good enough?" She sounds skeptical.

"You look absolutely gorgeous," I tell her, causing her to blush.

She closes the door behind her and the two of us head to my car I open the passenger door for her and she stares at the passenger seat for a few seconds. "What's wrong?" I ask, looking at her.

"It's just... I don't think I'm ready to get in the passenger seat," she admits with a hint of embarrassment in her voice. "I'm... scared."

"Do you want to get in the backseat?" I offer. If she's not comfortable with sitting in the front, she can sit in the back. I don't want her to be stressed.

"Would that upset you?" she carefully asks.

"Of course not! I want you relaxed, Rosie," I assure her. I close the passenger door and open the door of the backseat.

She breathes out in relief and surprises me by giving me a kiss while thanking me.


"Do you think they will take well how I cannot remember them? she cautiously asks as I start driving. I can see how nervous she is as I look at her face in the rearview mirror. I wish there's something I could do to ease her nerves. "Of course, Rosie. They will never hold that against you," I assure her. "You told me before that singing along to your favorite songs puts you in a great mood. Why don't you blast your favorite songs?" I want her to feel better. I hate seeing her like that. "Did we use to do that together?" she wonders.

"You're the one who taught me to sing at the top of my lungs in the car. You told me that it improved the mood, and you were absolutely correct," I remind her.

"What else did we use to do?" she asks, looking at me.

I stop my car when we stop at a red light and look at her. "You used to tell me about your favorite scenes from the books you read. You even taught me all the bookish terms you know like trope, MMC, FMC, enemies to lovers, and all of these things." "Has my favorite tropes changed over the years?"

"I don't know what you used to like before, but now you adore enemies to lovers and marriage of convenience. You hate miscommunication trope," I tell her.

"I used to be a s**er for found family trope when I was sixteen," she fills me in. This is my first time to learn that about her. "Do you think we can stop by my apartment before we get back home?" she requests.

"Of course! What else do you want to do?" I want to make her happy and comfortable, so I'm willing to do anything for her sake

"I don't know. Do you think we're going to have time to do anything else?" She wonders.

"We can always return whenever you want, Roşie," I tell her.

"But don't you

i have

the world, I will take I will take her anywhere she wants.

other things to do?" She doesn't understand she is my priority. Whatever she wants, I will get it for her. She is at the top of my list. If she wants me to take her on a drive in the middle of the night, I will do it. If she wants us to take a plane to any place in "Even if I have millions of things to do, Rosie, you're still my priority. It may be hard for you to believe that, but lately this has been the case," I tell her. The way she blushed makes me want to take her in my embrace and memorize every single detail about her flawless face as you so much, silas. I don't know to repay you for everything I have put you through," she says, looking down. plant kisses on it.

"Thank you so much,

I want to reach for her hand. I miss the way her hand feels against mine. "You don't need to repay me, Rosie. You're my girl. It's my role to be here for you. I want to be here for you." After ten more minutes, we make it to the house. I help Rosie get out of the car and I watch as she stares at the house, probably trying to remember anything about it.

"I came here before, right?" she hesitantly asks, looking at me.


"Yes, you came here at least four times," I tell her. The way her shoulders slump makes me want to take back my words. I hate how frustrated she is. I wish I could put an end to what she's going through, but it's out of my hands.

"I'm scared." The mask she has been wearing falls and her vulnerability shows. I take a deep breath and gently pull her against mine. I can feel how tense she is in my arms, yet she wraps her arms around my body and holds on with all the strength she has in her. "I know they may seem like new people to you, but I want you to be sure that they know you and they love you," I say, caressing her long hair. "I've got you, Rosie. If you wanna leave at any moment, just tell me."

"Okay." She slowly nods, staring at me for a second with her captivating blue eyes.


"Let's go, cupcake." I kiss her forehead before taking her hand in mine, hoping for the best because I cannot handle seeing her upset.

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