Coming Home For Christmas

Chapter 26(s2)

Chapter 26 - It's Time To Go Home Lacey's POV Have you ever had one of those moments where you wonder if you'll be going up or going down when you die? Ihave these weird moments every once in a blue moon where I'll randomly wonder if I've done enough good in my life to go to heaven? or did I do something bad or a series of truly bad things which will send me to hell?

if anyone else has tried to sell this tape which thankfully they haven't but you never know if they'll try again in the future, so he's requested for them to contact him or me personally if they do" “I think I'm gonna throw up” Cassidy said as she buried her head in her hands Klayton was immediately by her side and he promised to do everything he could to find every last copy of the s*x tape and destroy it which did absolutely nothing to bring Cassie some comfort Ifelt bad for them but more so for Cassie who I know has got many regrets from her time away from my cousin and

also from the time she spent in London

Even though that trip ultimately led her to reuniting with her son, [just know that she wishes she hadn't gone the route that she did with Trevor, not that I can blame her because I'd feel the same way as well “So, what do we do now, uncle? this psycho doesn't seem content causing trouble in one country, he's doing it in others as well and I'm guessing he's doing it to get Klayton's attention”

“And you're right, sweetheart, he is, Trevor's determined to win this time around and he's willing to do anything and everything including unravelling Klayton's life as well as the lives of those around him if it means he ultimately gets what he wants" “But he's not gonna win because he's not getting my mafia and he for damn sure isn't getting my principessa” Klayton growled as he slammed his hands against his table “He'd better not, Klay because I'l never forgive you if anything happens to my wife or my kids" "Watch it, Logan” “Watch what? I'm not scared of you Klayton, I never have

and I never will be scared of you" For god's sake Ithought to myself as I facepalmed “Trust me, Klay, if push comes to shove then I will f**++g end you if my family is harmed by that sick son of a b***h, no offence auntie Maria” “Oh, none taken babe, my sister is indeed a b**h" My auntie says and I chuckle but my amusement dies down With Klayton's next words which elevate the already high tension in the

room Chapter 26 - It's Time To Go Ho. as “Logan, I'm not an i***t and I'll give credit where credit's due, you were a f*****g animal in the octagon and you probably still are, you're also one of only a few people who I would never dream of tangoing with BUT if you ever talk to me like that again, if you ever threaten me or disrespect me again in front of my family then I will forget all about that precious girl sitting next to you and I'll f+ kill you" “Klayton" I growl in annoyance and anger not liking that my favourite cousin is threatening my husband

Speaking of Logan, he was also pissed as he stood up and got in Klayton's face “You wouldn't dare, Klay because I know more than anything that hurting and losing Lacey is one of your biggest fears in life and you'd never do anything that would cost you her” Klayton was about to clap back at Logan when his dad decided to jump in and end the warring brats “Alright, that's enough you two" Uncle Mario shouted and my two favourite men sat down but not before giving one another a nasty glare

“Look, I understand where you're both coming from so I'm not gonna scold either of you but you both need to relax and stop this's bad enough we've got Trevor Lopez coming after us, we don't need fighting within our family” My uncle said whilst glaring at the two angry men “Speaking of family, have you made a decision yet, Logan?" “Ialready told you guys, I'm not interested in the mafia life, 1just wanna live my life with my family, I don't want danger on my doorstep"

"Too late for that, babe, danger is already on our doorstep” Isay with a huff Logan must've sensed my frustration and unease because he immediately grabbed hold of my hand and caressed the back of it with his thumb “Well, I'm not gonna force you, Logan but if you ever change your mind, son, our door is always open to you" Uncle Mario tells my husband with a smile which he reciprocated as he kissed the back of my hand “Anyway, [ hate to break your trip short guys but I think you all should return to America as soon as possible”

"Why?" Klayton asks sounding annoyed “Because I don't think you guys are safe here, that's why son" “But Logan and Lacey were supposed to head to Venice in a few days for their honeymoon’ Cassie said and my uncle and auntie had a guilty and sad expression on their faces as they looked at me “I'm sorry, principessa but I'm afraid you're going to have to postpone your honeymoon until a later date”

I don't know why I have these moments because they seem very morbid and odd to me but I do and I'm starting to think I've got nothing to worry about, especially after what I've just heard from my auntie and uncle because I highly doubt the devil is interested in some woman whose only crime is keeping the father of her child from her kids for five years when there are people like Trevor out there who are dirtying up the planet

"Don't worry about it, uncle" Isay with a sigh “After the past few days and everything that's happened with my dad and my son, I don't think I'm really in the mood for a honeymoon, especially since Logan wants it to be just the two of us and I don't want to be separated from our babies right now" “I don't blame you, honey” Chapter 26 - It's Time To Go Ho My auntie says with a smile “Speaking of that stuck up, British ass.."

"Dad" "Uncle" Klayton and I said at the same time cutting off my uncle “Sorry, I just never liked that guy" “Well, he's my dad and I love him and so does my mom, so please have some respect for us and keep your opinions about my dad to yourself, uncle” I say with annoyance in my tone “You're right, sweetheart, I'm sorry”

“Thank you" “How is he?" “He's fine, he's awake now and looks better than ever, he's planning on travelling back to America on my grandparent's boat because he doesn't wanna risk flying while he's injured which he's not happy about because he doesn't want to quote on quote ‘hear his parents do the bunny hop’ while he's trying to sleep” I'said with disgust in my tone and everyone laughed Ijust wanna go on record and say that it's not disgusting that my grandparents are still active at their age, I'm just disgusted because as their

granddaughter, I wanna be the three monkeys in this kind of situation and see no old people s*x, hear no old people s*x and hear no old people sx After this meeting, we all left to make arrangements to head back to America Ithought there would be some sad and upset faces when we Chapter 26 - It's Time To Go Ho. a announced we were heading home early but weirdly enough everyone

seemed ok with it, especially the kids who were keen to get back home for some reason Maybe it's because everyone was due to head back in a couple of days anyway, So it's not like they're missing out onalot “How are you feeling, babe?" “I'm fine" I'tell Logan with a smile as I pack our suitcases “I'm not fine, love, I was looking forward to our honeymoon”

Logan said with a pout and I chuckled as I stopped what 1 was doing and walked over to him wrapping my arms around his neck when I got closer to him “Don't be sad, baby, a honeymoon is just a honeymoon, besides, what can we do on our honeymoon that we can't do at home?" Lask with a raised eyebrow and Logan smirked "That's true, at least at home we've got our s*x cave where I can enjoy you whenever I want to" He says and I throw my head back laughing

"Why has everything gotta be s****I with you, Logan?" “Why? because my wife is a sexy and insatiable woman, that's why, Lacey, not to mention your body is a literal work of art, babe and I'l happily take any chance I can get to see your voluptuous body in all of it's naked glory whether it be in the shower, when you've just woken up or when you're spread eagle and tied up on my giant X" “I'm the same to be fair, seeing you naked is one of the highlights of my day” "One of?"

Logan asks with a raised eyebrow and a slightly offended tone “Ok fine, it's THE highlight of my day, are you happy now?" “Very” Logan smiled as he leaned in and kissed my lips We then resumed packing and getting all of our stuff together before heading out to our boat to go home

It's so hard to get any privacy around here and when Ido, I have to be fast, especially at times like now because Klayton is suspicious of everyone even the guy who makes his cigars and has been making them ever since he smoked his first one at eighteen I' managed to find a secret spot in the basement and when I knew I was alone, I whipped out my phone and called Trevor "Hello" Asexy, husky voice with a Spanish twang answered which almost made me c*m, that's how hot and sexy he sounded “It's me"

“What do you want?" “I've got some new information for you" “Go ahead" “The Blacks and Antonelli's are heading back to New York today” “How do you know this?" He asks sounding happy and also intrigued “I overheard them talking, Mario thinks they'll be safer in America than they are here” I'said and a deep and very evil laugh was heard on the

“I'm sorry, dad but can you repeat that again for us, please?” Klayton asked with a slight grow! in his voice I narrowed my eyes at my cousin and his wife who were both experiencing so much right now, Cassie has gone white in the face and looked like she's going to faint while my cousin looks like he's about to catastrophically lose his s**t and something is telling me that things are only going to get worse for them and for us from here on out “For about a week or so now, Layla has had this feeling like she's being followed even her new boyfriend has noticed some strange things like strange cars following him Wherever he goes, as well as being parked outside of his

other end of the phone Chapter 26 - It's Time To Go Ho Baby, nowhere is safe../m everywhere" He whispered breathlessly at the end “Anyway, thank you for the update” “You're welcome, sir, can I also ask if you're still happy for me to proceed with your plans for your sister?"

“Of course Ido" He growls startling me “If I'm going down then so is that traitorous little b***h as well, want her to lose everyone she loves and holds near and dear to her heart and! also want her to lose everything she's worked so hard for...she betrayed me and now I want her to know how deep that betrayal runs" “By painting her as the traitor of your cousin's mafia?" “Exactly”

Trevor says whilst laughing maniacally and I started to grow worried and concerned / really hope I don't regret getting involved with this guy

and Layla's homes for an odd amount of time, Layla was also Chapter 26 - It's Time To Go Ho. = hit with a double knock a couple of days ago when she received a phone call from the kids school telling her TJ.

was almost kidnapped by some strange man in black and then she got the phone call telling her Tommy's grave has been vandalised...” My uncle Mario explained to us before being cut off by Klayton who had roared in anger before punching his fist against the nearest wall to him “Klayton"

Several people said at the same time each one with different emotions in their tones My uncle Mario didn't seem impressed with Klayton losing control of himself and his tone held a lot of anger whereas my auntie and Cassie both had worry and panic in their tones

“You need to calm down and relax, son, you can't ever lose your cool as the Don” “Oh, I'm sorry dad, am I supposed to remain stonefaced when I hear that one of my best friends is being stalked, my nephew was almost kidnapped and my other best friend's resting place has been defaced, hmm? am I supposed to look and act like I don't care and I'm not angry when in fact Ido and Iam?" “I'm not saying that, Klayton..." My uncle said before once again being cut off by Klayton “Then what are you saying, huh?" “I'm just saying you're the Don, son”

Uncle Mario says which may sound like he's not saying much but he actually is “Honey, I don't think there's any point in calming him down because Chapter 26 - It's Time To Go Ho he's just going to get angry again when you tell him the other thing that's happened” “What other thing?" I ask feeling both nervous and curious

My uncle let out a sigh as he stroked his bearded chin

“Two days ago, I received a phone call from a good friend of mine at the Wall Street Journal who told me that someone tried to sell a s*x tape to them which allegedly features Klayton Antonell's wife in it" "WHAT?" Klayton and Cassidy shouted at the same time and Cassie almost fell off her chair after my uncle had finished speaking “Please tell me you're joking, dad” “Iwish Iwas son, I really do but apparently, it's true, he even took the tape from him, as well as a business card which is most likely a fake and the tape is likely to be a copy which means there are more out there, my friend has also contacted some of his connections in the media to see

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